Obvi, we’re gonna toot our own horn, right? Girl Gang Craft is the ultimate craft fair for womxn, non-binary + trans makers and healers. Plus we’re the only craft fair that has dope feminist merch AND works hard to aid in brand education so our makers can kickass in person and online.
Next GGC Market: June 22 at Scottish Rite, Oakland, CA.
Next GGC Educational Event: GGC #smallbiz summit Aug 17 at Scottish Rite, Oakland, CA
2. Renegade Craft Fair
Renegade Craft Fair has been around since 2003 and travels all around the US and London too! Renegade is always a great experience for makers to get their name out there. You can share a booth if the weekend price tag seems a bit high. We like to think of the cost as covering both the booth space and the chance to market your wares to 20,000 people. Renegade has 3 weekend craft fairs year round: April, July + November.
Next Renegade Craft: July 13 + 14 at Fort Mason Center, SF, CA.
3. Patchwork Show
Patchwork show is put on by Dear Handmade Life and has several shows throughout California. Their Oakland show is at Jack London Square outside along the water. This is a very inclusive show and was GGC Founder Phoebe’s first ever craft show when she was making jewelry. Nicole, the founder of Dear Handmade Life is also a badass and throws Craftcation, a weekend long conference located in Ventura, CA.
Next Patchwork Show: June 1 at Jack London Square, Oakland, CA.
4. Headwest
Headwest is thrown by Jimmy Brower of West Perro. His market is beautifully curated with vintage + handmade goods. Headwest offers numerous events throughout the year and has just merged with Bouquet Market as well for a market at 4th street.
Next Headwest shows:
June 29 + 30 at Hangar Distillery, Alameda
July 20 Bouquet x Headwest on 4th St in Berkeley
(Applications may still be open for both of these events. Please contact Jimmy for details)
5. Urban Air Market
Urban Air was established in 2005 and is the largest outdoor design festival in the country. They throw 2 shows in Hayes Valley, one in Oakland, and one in LA. These shows get tons of traffic. They open their applications at the beginning of the year and you can reserve your spot for all 4 shows ahead of time, so make sure you are on their newsletter to be in the know.
Next Bay Area Urban Air Market: July 21 at the Hive, Oakland, CA.
6. West Coast Craft
West Coast Craft is the ultimate showcase of polished brands from across the US. WCC features artists that embody the west coast lifestyle. It takes place at Fort Mason, and you are bound to find some inspiration for your next creation.
Next WCC: June 8 at Fort Mason, SF
We here at GGC encourage you to check out all these shows as an attendee to figure out which show is the best to highlight your brand. Applications for these shows generally open up months in advance.
Pro-tip: sign up for the craft fair newsletters to be the first to know when applications open for vendors.