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Episode 54

How to Fail Forward

Girl Gang Craft the Podcast is back! It’s our first episode of 2023, and we’re excited to be back on the (digital) air.

On this week’s episode, Phoebe takes the mic solo to reflect on some of the experiences that have contributed to her success and personal growth - citing “failures” as a student, early employment, college, and most poignantly, in the process of launching a new business. She explains the extreme discomfort that can come with feeling you’ve come up short - especially in a space you’re passionate about. For Phoebe, that discomfort came from failing her AP Art Portfolio, freshman Environment Science in college, and venturing into the world of biz - craft fair rejections. Long story short, it can feel pretty uncomfortable to sit with shortcomings, especially when they’re happening in a space you’re passionate about.

While acknowledging that failure can happen on a large scale of severity and consequences, Phoebe speaks to her own experiences processing her failures as opportunities for growth, leaning heavily into the need for those creating a business to be able to pick themselves up - no matter how bad it might feel - and try again (or try different!)

Phoebe concludes that the ability to encounter, sit with, and move beyond failure is one of the hardest skills we have to learn - but it’s never without benefit to whatever life throws at you next.

Episode 54


Run your own damn craft fair

Is there not a craft fair in your home town? Are you wanting to create more opportunities for the craft community? Do you want to add on a revenue stream that is OH SO FUN! This is the workshop for you.


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