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by Amanda Hariri (Social Media + Marketing Manager of Girl Gang Craft)

Can you believe it’s been over a year since our last craft fair post? What are we saying—of course you can, unless you were blissfully on a different planet for the entirety of 2020 (if so, why didn’t we get the invite?). Nonetheless, it’s a trip to be able to talk shop again with you all, because IRL events are BACK. For real. Are you ready?

Dust off your rolling racks and display cases, because it’s craft fair season, y’all! Here are six upcoming Bay Area craft fairs to attend or apply to as a maker this summer.

It’d be pretty remiss of us not to mention our own event! Girl Gang Craft is the ultimate craft fair for women, non-binary, and trans makers and healers. We offer a rad feminist merch line and strive to provide brand education so our community of creatives can take their work to the next level, both in-person and online. At GGC, we’re always looking for high-quality products, professional photographs, authentic and cohesive branding, and missions aligned with our personal values.

Coming up:

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Scottish Rite Center (parking lot), Oakland, CA

West Coast Craft features artists and designer craftspeople from across the US who embody the West Coast lifestyle. It takes place at Fort Mason in San Francisco. Come for the laid-back vibes, leave feeling inspired and ready to create your next best work.

Note: This event is highly selective in its application acceptances.

Coming up:

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Fort Mason Center, San Francisco

10am - 4pm

Applications are closed for the May WCC Market. Applications open for the June 26 market on Tuesday, May 25.

September 18 & 19, 2021 Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center, San Francisco

Applications not yet open, follow @westcoastcraft on IG for updates.

Head West is an outdoor retail marketplace curated by founder Jimmy Brower that provides an IRL platform for emerging and established artists multiple times a month at various venues across California.

Coming up:

June 12 & 13, 2021

Sebastopol, CA

June 26 & 27, 2021

Alameda, CA

Urban Air Market was established in 2005 and is the largest outdoor design festival in the US and the only independent fashion marketplace focused on sustainable design. Their shows get tons of traffic and showcase 100+ designers of fashion, accessories, body products, home decor, furniture, and art with a commitment to sustainability practices. Urban Air opens its applications at the beginning of the year; you can reserve your spot for all shows ahead of time, so make sure you are subscribed to their newsletter to stay in the know!

Coming up:

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Octavia and Hayes Street, San Francisco, CA

Patchwork Show is put on by Dear Handmade Life throughout California each year. Their Oakland event is at Jack London Square along the waterfront. This is a very inclusive show—in fact, it was GGC Founder Phoebe’s first craft fair when she was making jewelry!

Coming up:

Sunday, June 6, 2021

11am - 5pm

Santa Rosa, CA

Applications are currently closed, but you can join their waitlist.

Sip Shop Eat is a Black-owned curated marketplace that introduces a stellar lineup of unique brands to new audiences in their IRL and virtual events. SSE launched in 2017 and has rapidly expanded to three major cities (New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles).

Coming up:

July 17 & 18, 2021

Neyborly, San Francisco, CA

The Craneway Craft Fair is a juried selection of affordable art, crafts, and gifts presented by 130 artists and craftspeople. It’s family and pet-friendly, and admission is free to the public.

Coming up:

Craneway Craft Fair - Summer Edition

June 26 & 27, 2021

11am - 5pm

Pier 70, San Francisco, CA

Applications have closed, but you can join the waitlist

Good luck applying, makers! We’re ridiculously grateful to be able to share these amazing events with you. While we’re looking forward to sunnier days ahead, we recognize we’re not completely out of the woods yet—so please do check each event’s safety protocols and guidelines before you set up shop!

Keep in mind that most of these shows involve an application process, and some fairs are fairly selective in their acceptances. If you get denied to a fair, KEEP TRYING. Different shows will seek out different kinds of makers, and they’ll all take note as you continue to improve and grow as a creative business. Girl Gang Craft has experienced our fair share of rejection, and we can say with confidence that it has only served us in our push to build a better brand. Take each step, good or bad, as a learning experience—then keep kicking ass.

For more on how to nail your first (or fifth, or tenth) craft fair, download our free Booth Design Guide.

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